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Specialist GPs/GPs

Dr Jonathan Moore

Specialist GP, Medical Board of Australia RACGP Accredited Supervisor for Registrars in General Practice MBBS(UNSW), BSc(Anat&Physio)(UNSW), ECFMG, FRACGP
Dr Jonathan Moore is an independent Specialist GP (ABN: 38167751331) consulting at Sans Souci Doctors. Dr Moore graduated from the University of New South Wales in 1991 and spent his resident years at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Dr Moore did terms in cardiology, respiratory medicine, emergency medicine, plastic surgery and urology. Dr Moore did resident rotations to South Western Sydney Area hospitals and surgical registrar terms at Dubbo and RPAH Hospitals. Dr Moore transitioned into General Practice at the end of 1993 and obtained his fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practice in 2000. Dr Moore continued work doing regular surgical assisting in plastic surgery until 2020 and continues to work regularly at The Melanoma Institute of Australia. Dr Moore has a strong interest in the diagnosis and management of skin cancer. Outside of Medicine Dr Moore has been actively involved in sailing, Motorsport and remains an avid cyclist. He enjoys travel and time with his family and grandchildren.

Consulting Location: Sans Souci
Consulting Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Billing Arrangement: All patients for Dr Jonathan Moore will be privately charged with a Medicare rebate, except those 15 years old & under, 65 years old & over, or concession card/DVA holders.

Disclaimer: Dr Jonathan Moore is an independent tenant practitioner at SMSG and responsible for all of their own fee schedule & conduct at this facility.
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